The estimate cost

The estimate cost of quantities bill is a written study consisting of general conditions and a series of items in which a text description of the works is presented and an expression of the quantities necessary for construction, reconstruction or adaptation.
Quality cost assessment is an indispensable input for making most important decisions before and during the realization of the project such as: evaluation of justification, definition of the volume and quality of work, selection of contractors, procurement of materials, execution of additional works and others.
The estimate cost of quantities bill is the template by which an offer is made for the works, that is, a document describing the works that are performed, the materials and the conditions under which and by which these works are carried out, etc. Each estimate cost bill of quantity entry contains a description of the entry, unit of measure, quantity and unit price. Based on the quantity product and unit prices, the total amount of each entry is obtained, and by adding the total amounts of entries we also get the value of individual types of works.
A well-made estimate of cost bill of quantities is the basis of a successful relationship between contractors and investors. Flat-rate offers of various instant companies (without costs) can bring only and only harm, either to the contractor himself or to the investor, therefore the bill of quantities protects Your investment.
We make estimate cost bill of quantities depending on the type of procedure:
- cost of new construction & reconstruction & adaptation & rehabilitation;
- maintenance bill of quantities;
- bank bill of quantities;
- the bill of quantities of investments made on the property;